
Earl Kenepp
B: 1933-03-15
D: 2024-06-25
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Kenepp, Earl
Barbara Overly
B: 1931-09-17
D: 2024-06-04
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Overly, Barbara
Jane Krewson
B: 1937-07-05
D: 2024-05-11
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Krewson, Jane
William Ferrell
B: 1952-09-18
D: 2024-05-08
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Ferrell, William
Joanne Hartman
B: 1939-03-04
D: 2024-04-04
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Hartman, Joanne
Richard Brill
B: 1957-10-07
D: 2024-03-30
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Brill, Richard
Ann Tierney
B: 1932-12-11
D: 2024-03-22
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Tierney, Ann
Jane Witmer
B: 1937-09-26
D: 2024-02-10
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Witmer, Jane
Robert Sprecher
B: 1932-09-17
D: 2024-02-06
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Sprecher, Robert
Bobbie Rodriquez
B: 1957-02-23
D: 2024-02-05
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Rodriquez, Bobbie
Janet Martin
B: 1929-11-10
D: 2024-01-23
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Martin, Janet
Judith Killian
B: 1940-12-21
D: 2023-12-27
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Killian, Judith
Kim Melton
B: 1956-06-08
D: 2023-12-17
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Melton, Kim
Wendy DeHaven
B: 1960-05-13
D: 2023-11-16
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DeHaven, Wendy
Ruth Golas
B: 1931-05-28
D: 2023-11-09
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Golas, Ruth
Ruth Kapp
B: 1932-08-28
D: 2023-11-02
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Kapp, Ruth
Elizabeth Fogle
B: 1928-06-30
D: 2023-10-25
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Fogle, Elizabeth
Dolores Leitgeb
B: 1934-07-07
D: 2023-10-13
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Leitgeb, Dolores
Mildred Grubb
B: 1929-12-12
D: 2023-08-23
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Grubb, Mildred
William Witman
B: 1951-10-11
D: 2023-08-12
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Witman, William
Lynne Prugh
B: 1936-01-02
D: 2023-07-12
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Prugh, Lynne


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315 East Main Street
Supervisor: Randy L. Stoltzfus
New Holland, PA 17557
Phone: (717) 354-2227

Immediate Need

If you have immediate need of our services, we're available for you 24 hours a day.

Obituaries & Tributes

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A gift to your family, sparing them hard decisions at an emotional time.

Non-Licensed Staff

Although they are not licensed funeral directors, these staff members are vitally important to the operation of our firm.  These individuals make it possible for us to professionally coordinate funerals with the quality of service our community has come to expect from us.

Joyce Dyer, Adminstrative Assistant

Joyce began as Administrative Assistant at Beck Funeral Home in May 2016.
Joyce is from Shade Gap in Huntington County, and graduated from Southern Huntington County High School. She and her husband Greg were married in 1980 and live in New Holland. They are the parents of one daughter, Jennifer, who is married to Gregg Michael, also of New Holland.
Joyce and Greg formerly owned New Holland Camera. Joyce was also the Business Manager and Membership Director for the New Holland Recreation Center, now the YMCA of New Holland. She enjoys quilting, gardening and spending time with her four grandchildren.

Susan Martin, Aftercare Coordinator
Office Phone: 717-354-2227

Susan has been with the funeral home since 2008 serving as the Aftercare Coordinator. She enjoys following up with families in the weeks after the services and helping to guide them through the many details that need to be taken care of after the death of a loved one.

She graduated from Garden Spot High School and HACC with an Associates Degree in Human Services. She and her husband Jim lived in New Holland since they were married in 1984.  They are the parents of one son, Nathaniel who is married to Katelyn Pilkerton. Susan enjoys entertaining in their home and traveling with her family. Together they have had the privilege of traveling across the US and visiting regions of Europe.

Deane Boyd, Support Staff

Deane and his wife Wanda are both originally from Ashland, Ohio. Deane received his B.A. and M.A. degrees from Bob Jones University in preparation for pastoral ministry. He served 45 years in three churches, beginning in Somerset County, PA, then in Carroll County Maryland, and ultimately at Elverson, PA. He retired after 33 years as pastor of Ebenezer Bible Chapel. The Boyds enjoy spending time with their two sons, one daughter, and seven grandchildren, all of whom live nearby.  Hobbies include reading, home maintenance projects, and occasionally restoring vintage lawn mowers. He remains active in teaching and pulpit supply as opportunities arise.

Leon Shrik, Support Staff

Leon R. Shirk has served as a pastor for 38 years.  He was Senior Pastor of Bethany Grace Fellowship Church for 34 years and then Lead Pastor Rockville Mennonite Church for 4 years.  He retired from Pastoral Ministry in 2014.

Prior to pastoring, Leon worked in the Yale-New Haven Hospital Respiratory Therapy Department and was Chief Respiratory Therapist at the York Hospital.

He graduated from the Yale-New Haven Medical School of Respiratory Therapy, studied at University of Connecticut, York College, and Millersville University and graduated from Lancaster Bible College with a BS in Pastoral Studies.

He joined the funeral home in 2014 and also serves as a taxi driver for John Aaron Shirk.  He has served on many boards for the cause of Christ.

Leon is married for 51 years to Henrietta (Good) Shirk.  Together, they have a daughter, two married sons, and 5 wonderful grandchildren

James Bailey, Support Staff

52 Weeks of Support

It's hard to know what to say when someone experiences loss. Our free weekly newsletter provides insights, quotes and messages on how to help during the first year.